
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Ventrilo Hosting is Critical to Your Gaming Experience

Ventrilo Hosting is Critical to Your Gaming Experience

Ventrilo is a VOIP solution that is critical to keeping your gaming experience state-of-the-art. Of course, while ventrilo may be doing its job, the difficulty may be if you have ventrilo hosting solutions that are less than superior. In this article, we look at stable and reliable Ventrilo hosting solutions and how to achieve that at a reasonable price.


Ventrilo is a trademark of Flagship Industries. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others measure themselves. Many attempt to imitate its features but few have had success coming even close to the same level of performance.

Ventrilo exceeds the competition by offering surround sound positioning and special sound effects on a per user, per channel, per server or global configuration. In addition, the ventrilo program provides each user the option to fully customize exactly how they wish to hear sounds from other users or event

Hosting Considerations

When you are considering hosting solutions, keys things that you should keep in mind are stability, reliability, ease of installation, customer support, and of course, reasonable pricing. In addition, you should really be looking for a solution that has a powerful control panel to manage every aspect of your Ventrilo server.

In addition, you should recognize the different voice modes that your Ventrilo Server is capable of providing. So, for example, queued mode on a Ventrilo server allows only one person to talk at a time. By building in ease of use and total flexibility, you can totally control your Guild's user experience.

With some ventrilo host control panels, you have full control of the Ventrilo Server to make all needed changes including editing the ini files, start and stop and ventrilo tracker. Also if that wasn't good enough, some also offer a Ventrilo Control Panel allowing you to make all needed configuration changes. Honestly, probably the two most important things to you are going to be easy of use and setup with the control panel as well as 24/7/365 quality support.

Pricing for ventrilo server hosting is all over the map but let me give you a rough target. For 50 slots, you can get your pricing down to 15.99 per month, which if you do the math, comes out to a whopping $0.32 per slot, per month: in our mind, that is truly oustanding capability at an excellent price.


Many Ventrilo server hosts have one or two locations, which may be a bit limited for your needs.... remember, the closer you are located to your host server, the better your gaming experience is likely to be. Also, be careful. Sometimes you'll be forced to low fidelity by the limitations of the ventrilo server, in which case it's time to go elsewhere to find a different host.... believe me, saving a few bucks does not make it worthwhile if your game experience is lousy.

So to conclude, a quality ventrilo server can really make all the difference in your gaming performance. Simply start out by finding a good quality host, with a good control panel, with good bandwidth, and with good customer support. When you find that source, you are in for a trouble free, gaming experience.

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